About eco containers
Spout pouch / Provided by Fukushima Printing Co., Ltd.
There are three patterns of spout pouches that we are currently considering.

Biomass pouch Using biomass ink Cap using biomass ink
This plan is the best choice from an ecological point of view.
However, the biomass pouch is a patented product, so the price is about 1.5 times higher.
Also, it takes a long time to deliver.

80% recycled pouch Using biomass ink Cap using biomass ink
The pouch will be changed.
By using 80% recycled pouches, it is possible to manufacture them at the same factory.
It will be delivered in about 2 weeks.

80% recycled pouch Uses normal ink Cap uses biomass ink
With ②, the ink printed on the pouch will be changed.
Since normal ink is used, there are few merits, but the recycle mark and biomass 10 mark can be used.
It is quite gray because it is only used for printing the cap part.